A full vegan lifestyle offers multiple benefits ...


“I’m saving lives (including my own) and reducing my impact on the planet …PLUS it’s easy! Why wouldn’t I be Vegan?”

David Harrow – Director

The term ‘vegan’ was coined in 1944 by compassionate visionary Donald Watson and his (then) fiance. The philosophy of veganism was, and still is, for humans to avoid the exploitation of animals.

The simple facts are that we don’t need to either eat animal-based foods, manufacture animal derived products or use animals for any other purpose – including testing, research or entertainment.

Using animals in all of these ways not only causes untold suffering to them; it also has huge, global implications for both the environment and for human lives (some of which we’ve listed below).

Veganism offers a solution to these implications and living a vegan lifestyle therefore offers us all a chance to save animal lives and to reverse pressing global issues – from climate change to world hunger.

So, as you can see, veganism is a force for overwhelming positive change on so many levels, and as such, represents for us an ethical obligation.

      Veganism is the solution to all of these critical global problems...

      Animal suffering

      Increasingly unimaginable suffering and unnecessary, unethical deaths of sentient (able to perceive and feel) beings…
      Treated merely as commodities, 70 BILLION land animals are specifically bred, farmed and killed for ‘food’ every year. This does not take into account the TRILLIONS of sea creatures killed and those bred in other industries such as the fur and skin trades. Look closely - this is a sack full of male chicks discarded, alive, by the egg industry.

      The loss of an estimated 110 plant, animal and insect species EVERY DAY and the irreversible loss of their habitats…
      The main losses are happening in the rain forests (we lose 1-2 acres every SECOND) and at the current rate of destruction critical oxygen-giving rainforests will cease to exist in just 10 years time. Animal agriculture is the leading cause, as the land is used mainly to grow crops, not for humans, but to feed animals destined for human consumption. In addition, some species under threat, such as bees, are critical to human survival (we need them to pollinate our crops).

      Human suffering

      Intense psychological human trauma caused to millions of people working in complicit industries…
      People are treated as commodities too, wages are low, conditions are horrendous and subsequent psychosis is commonplace. Farmers also suffer and the rate of suicide in the animal farming industry is twice the national average.

      Unnecessary deaths as a result of fatally unsafe, contaminated and diseased meat/dairy/eggs regularly being fed to animals and consumed (unknowingly) by humans…
      There are more and more incidents of this happening and of consumers being deceived. For example, an estimated 280,000 people in the UK are severely ill and 100 die, every year, from campylobacter poisoning after eating chicken processed in completely unsanitary conditions.

      Millions of people dying from starvation and malnutrition the world over, and no future food security…
      This is only going to get worse with another 2 billion people on the planet by 2050. Yet we already have the capacity to feed another 4 billion people if we used land and crops to feed humans directly – not farmed animals.

      Millions of people suffering and dying from modern diseases of the affluent West…
      A Vegan diet can improve and even reverse numerous diseases – offering 7 years longer, healthier life! Yet people still suffer, because it’s not in the interests of the profitable farming, food manufacturing or pharmaceutical industries for us to improve our own health.

      20% of UK children living below the poverty line with parents skipping meals to feed them and having to visit food banks…
      A Vegan diet and lifestyle is not only healthier and more sustainable, it’s considerably cheaper; Our research indicated food bills can be cut by as much as a third, whilst the food can also be more nutritious.

      The re-emergence of basic diseases and the development of new ones that are antibiotic resistant and fatal…
      Intensification of animal farming has led to more than half of the world's antibiotics being given to livestock and hence these horrific unseen consequences. Even then, many animals die from agonising, infectious conditions and many still enter the human food chain. The majority of minced beef and turkey contains antibiotic resistant bacteria.

      Increasingly poor human health and early deaths from basic and preventable diseases…
      As well as vivisection being a horrific practice on living beings, using animals for scientific research has hindered, and is hindering, true medical progress. Other species can never be genetic bio markers for humans; results are misleading. Innovation in non-animal research techniques and technology is the only way forward.

      Environmental destruction

      Climate change which is already having a devastating and potentially irreversible effect on our weather patterns and ecosystems…
      It’s increasingly being acknowledged that the recycling and water/power saving etc. that consumers are told to do is just a grain of sand compared to the impact that stopping eating meat can make. The livestock industry is responsible for 51% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions (more than the entire transport industry).

      The wasting of precious water (29% of all water is used in meat and dairy farming), the poisoning of our rivers, lakes and oceans and desertification of a third of our land…
      Massive animal farming systems are using up precious resources, creating pools of waste that can’t be disposed of and stripping the land of all that’s good. We’re working against nature, not with it.

      References and further reading:

      We have collected a huge catalogue of references, reports and documents. Please contact us if you require any further information on a particular subject that we’ve touched on here.

