The fight continues…


Today is a very disappointing day for everything that compassionate human beings in the UK care about.

A continuation of this government means that inequality will continue to increase, the senseless, unscientific badger culls will continue, more wildlife culls will be scheduled, the hunting ban will be repealed and targets for reductions in vivisection will continue to be missed.

We’ll continue to see lobbying by the animal farming industry and intensified propaganda to encourage people to drink more milk, for example – indeed it’s already started.

Real environmental issues will also continue to be ignored in favour of policies that seek to profiteer rather than to mitigate climate change. Human health will also continue to decline as a result of all of the above and of course treatments will be in further jeopardy.

But there’s some hope. It’s an unfair political voting system that let us down as much as anything and the figures show that increasingly people do, in reality, want change.

Please add to our voice and help us to grow stronger, so that collectively we can continue to fight on and raise awareness amongst those people who still genuinely don’t know what’s going on in our world.

If ever there was a time for activism it’s now.
Please know that every voice, every action, matters.
Your voice, your actions, count.

Please join us:

Please encourage other compassionate people to join us too – because OUR ONLY AGENDA is to save lives and to save our planet and we have an ethical obligation to keep trying to do exactly that.