Pets cotton on to public transport…

Jed regularly takes a ride on the bus.

Eclipse regularly takes a ride on the bus.

Dodger never pays a fare either.

Dodger never pays a fare either.

Meet Eclipse: The black Labrador who takes the bus on her own to the dog park.
Owner surprised to find cat regularly catches bus.

“She jumps up and sits down, and I start petting her and the guy beside me says, ‘Oh yeah, that’s that dog that rides the bus to the dog park every day, by herself,'” Montgomery said.

“She sits here just like a person does. She is a person,” another passenger told Reuters.

Two stories on this in one day, read from ITV about Eclipse here and Dodger in the Telegraph here.


It was interesting and amusing to read two similar stories about this on the same day! Animals continue to show us time and again just what ‘human’ traits they can sometimes have. The words that stuck in our minds are printed above.
The actual detail of the traits aside, it’s undeniable that other living beings have feelings and emotions appropriate to them and their species. And, this being the case, isn’t it about time that we sought to offer them the protection, care and freedom that we seek to secure for all human beings?
How can we place ourselves above other species when they have just as much right to life and just as much value?

So whilst these are amusing stories – ones that no doubt will spark conversations across the country about our pets and how intelligent they are… they also show, yet again, the need to reflect on how we treat animals in our culture and society.
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