Press release from Vegan Futures.
Vegan Futures– Is a new one-day festival taking place on November 7th in London at Stour Space in Hackney Wick. It will bring together the best plant-based thinkers and innovators for a day of inspiring talks & workshops.
With 20% of people aged 16 to 24 identifying as either Vegetarian or Vegan, the future of food is plant-based. People are becoming increasingly aware of animal suffering, environmental degradation and the negative health impacts associated with eating a diet containing animal derived products.
Veganism is no longer a niche subject, it has become mainstream as people look to improve their physical and mental wellbeing and preserve the environment.
Vegan Futures- has been created to provide an open-minded, non judgemental space for 300 people to gather and learn from leading Vegan lifestyle advocates, coming from the worlds of nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, food, fashion, media and activism.
Watch our launch trailer by following this link to learn more:
Speakers and panel guests and workshop hosts include:
Tim Shieff – Professional Vegan athlete
Gregg Lowe – Vegan actor (appeared in films such as X Men)
Meriel Armitage – Club Mexicana
Katy Beskow – Lil Miss Meat Free – Vegan chef
TGN Vegan – Teenage Vegan advocacy campaign
Liz Goodchild – Vegan ultra-endurance athlete
Matthew Glover – Veganuary, Co-Founder
Jane Land – Veganuary, Co-Founder
Juilet Gellately – Viva
Kerry McCarthy – Broadcaster – Kerry McCarpet on Youtube
Ali Tabrizi – Film maker – The Friendly Activist on Youtube
Klaus Mitchell – PlantBasedNews on Youtube
Laura Scott – Vegan endurance athlete and editor of The Locals
Wrapped in Newspaper – Vegan chefs and bloggers
Charlie Phillips – Head of Documentaries at the Guardian
Aaron Tilley – Blood Tight Apparel
Darren and Georgi – Popular fitness website
Sophia Pym – Yoga teacher
Annemarie Highmore – Vegan fitness – Personal Trainer
Vegan Peasant Catering – Vegan chef
Jennifer Pardoe – Vegan Futures
Damien Clarkson – Vegan Futures
Velociposse Womens Fixed Gear Cycling Team – Vegan members
**More speakers and guests will be announced during the coming weeks.
Vegan Futures has partnered with the hugely successful try Vegan campaign Veganuary– in order to provide an opportunity for attendees who aren’t already Vegan to discover a great pathway into a Vegan lifestyle through Veganuary.
The festival is partly inspired by Ted Talks and the collaborative nature of hack events which involve attendees in the creation of new ideas. The day will comprise of short talks, panel discussions and importantly workshops; where participants can learn new skills designed to help them get the most from living a Vegan lifestyle.
These workshops will focus on areas like yoga, raw foods, nutrition, fitness, fashion, media skills.
Vegan Futures Co-Founder, Damien Clarkson said: “We created Vegan Futures for anyone interested in learning more about all aspects of living a Vegan lifestyle. This is a celebration of the great work people are doing and a chance to explore how we can create a healthier and more compassionate world together.”
Vegan Futures festival provides a one stop shop for discovering the how to live and thrive on a Vegan lifestyle. The festival encourages anyone with an interest in eating more plant-based foods and living a more compassionate lifestyle to attend, regardless of their current diet.
Vegan Futures is for everyone to come together and work towards creating a better future for us and the animals.
250 on sale and super-early bird tickets can be purchased for £24.95 at:
To find out more visit: