Food can be the cure for Type 2 Diabetes.
“One simple prescription could help reverse diabetes, improve blood sugar, and lower weight, blood pressure and cholesterol. And all this is possible, our analysis found, not with a new magic pill, but with tried-and-true simple changes to diet.
Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people of working age and a major cause of lower limb amputation, kidney failure and stroke.
In Britain, there are three million people living with diabetes and 850,000 more who are unaware they have Type 2 as it has not been diagnosed…
…vegan diets have benefits for cardiovascular health, hypertension, body weight, and plasma lipids, and also provide nutritional advantages compared with omnivorous diets.”
This news was covered in all papers including the Express and in the Daily Mail, you can read more here.
VLA response:
We are currently conducting our own research into this as a survey of our social media followers revealed, without exception, that following a vegan diet had improved their diabetes and blood sugar control and was indeed as liberating as this piece suggests. One of our Directors has T2D and himself found significant health benefits when he became Vegan – so much so, that his diabetic retinopathy (which was threatening his sight and for which he was being told to have laser surgery) reversed and he now no longer will need to have the surgery (which would affect his sight) and his sight could potentially be saved for the future.
The results are amazing and can save people the misery, not only of the horrific implications of diabetes, but of a lifetime spent taking drugs and suffering with highs and lows through poor blood sugar balance.
We can help anyone who wishes to find out how they can change their diet and with a new and comprehensive website launching 2015 we advise anyone with this condition to stay in touch.
Our Director’s full health story can be read in issue 1 of our Members Magazine ‘Vegan24’ out in January.