because vegans literally bathe in greenery…
“Green is the new black: how veganism became sexy in London.”
From Bethnal Green to Notting Hill, vegan cafés are sprouting up across town, catering to the fit and fashionable. Rosamund Urwin on the rise of the crunch bunch.
Read the piece in the London Evening Standard here.
Aside from the usual negative stereotyping language used by Rosamund – the news in general in this piece is correct and is good – although I don’t think she gives people enough credit for the fact that many are actually trying a vegan diet and lifestyle for ethical reasons – not just for health or vanity.
Of the hundreds of people I come into contact with every week that want to progress into the lifestyle, its invariably because they’re horrified by the way in which humans are treating animals and they no longer want to contribute to that.
Myself and my organisation will always promote the multiple benefits of veganism because, quite simply, there are so many and they’re all vital. But ethics is at the core of our reason for doing so. We simply don’t need to be using and commodifying other living beings for any purpose.
In living a full vegan lifestyle we’re all proving that it’s entirely possible, every day, and in 2015 it’s also far easier than ever before.
It may be a trend or a fashion for some now, but as people begin to wake up to its overwhelming implications for animals, humans, mankind and our very survival on this planet, veganism will rightly be seen as an ethical obligation and a planetary imperative.
And we’ll be here, offering help and support and showing just how joyful and easy it can be.
Chantal (aka mung bean muncher turned vegan fashionista)
Founder / Director Vegan Lifestyle Association https://veganlifestyleassoc.com/
p.s. in London it might be all raw, spiralised and dehydrated – but in the rest of the world we eat bloody lovely normal, delicious, hearty, soul warming, lip smacking grub – super healthy, less healthy and everything in between! PLUS hemp wearing is not obligatory although it is a super soft and luxurious fabric these days!