We love questions!

Your questions help us to explain the facts, dispel the myths and give you the information you need to make informed decisions. You can then answer the same questions from other people too. In our opinion, ignorance really isn’t bliss. So please ask away! You can contact us any way you prefer. We’re here for you and we’re listening.

*Coming soon!* Look out for our video FAQs on our YouTube channel!

Polite reminder: Questions should relate to Veganism. We’re brilliant, of course, but regret that we’re unable to answer questions related either to Eastenders, quantum physics or your love life. #justsaying

Either scroll down or click on a subject to jump to the FAQ!

Food & Drinks

Isn’t Vegan food very bland and boring though?

Isn’t it impossible to be Vegan if you can’t or don’t want to cook?

Fruits and vegetables are often more expensive than other foods; doesn’t this make Veganism more costly?

Eating is such a pleasurable activity; why should people be denied of something they enjoy?

But meat and fish etc tastes good; how can Vegans get over missing those flavours?


Why is it not OK to use/wear leather etc when it’s just a by-product of the meat industry?


Isn’t it difficult to continue with a social life though, for example eating out with friends who are non-Vegan?

Isn’t a Vegan lifestyle a lot of hard work and very time consuming?

Isn’t it really difficult to travel when you’re Vegan though?

Health and Nutrition

Where do Vegans get protein from if they don’t eat meat?

Isn’t a Vegan diet deficient in several nutrients, particularly Vitamin B12?

If people don’t consume milk and dairy products for the calcium – won’t they then be more prone to osteoporosis (brittle bone disease)?

Is a Vegan diet really suitable and healthy for babies and children?

Is there a risk of developing an eating disorder when someone becomes Vegan?

Is it true that Veganism can have negative effects on muscle and brain function?

Will I gain weight if I become Vegan?

Isn’t it healthier to eat animals, which are a natural food stuff – rather than processed Vegan foods, even if they are plant-based?


Animals don’t understand or feel pain like we do though, do they?

Animals are killed humanely though as they are stunned, so they feel no pain and surely this is therefore OK?

If everyone became Vegan then wouldn’t there be millions of farmed animals left? What would happen to them?

Cows and goats produce milk naturally and chickens lay eggs – why not eat / drink these naturally produced products?

Shearing sheep in the summer seems to keep them cool – wouldn’t they overheat and die if we didn’t shear them (so wool is a merciful by-product)?

But surely animals that are organic, free range or reared under schemes such as the Red Tractor logo or Freedom Foods are having a good life, aren’t


Eating or using animals can’t be affecting the environment though, can it?

But won’t humans eating more soya products mean even worse destruction of rainforests?


If everyone became Vegan what would happen to the farming industry and how would people make a living?


Isn’t Veganism just for ‘hippy do-gooders’?

Are there any scientifically valid reasons for completely eliminating animal foods from your diet?

What’s your position on zoos?

What’s your position on keeping pets?

Personal Objections

I’m just one person; me being Vegan isn’t going to make any difference, so what’s the point?

I don’t eat much meat so I’m already doing enough, aren’t I?

I can’t afford the cost of being Vegan, even if I wanted to be, can I?

It seems complicated and I don’t have time to be Vegan, do I?!

It’s everyone’s own choice what they eat isn’t it?

We’ve lived all our lives drinking milk, eating cheese, meat and fish and it’s done us no harm; why should we change now?

I’m too old to change now and it’s none of your business what I do, is it?!


Humans are the top of the food chain – so surely it’s natural for us to eat and use animals?

The VLA Ethos

How can you help people to become Vegan when you are a brand new organisation?

Do you support meat reducers and vegetarians as well?

Shouldn’t you be more focused on just campaigning for animal rights?

Why are you promoting non Vegan companies and services?

Why are you promoting unhealthy junk food and convenience foods?

We have collected a huge catalogue of references, reports and documents. Please contact us if you require any further information on a particular question or subject.