*Coming soon!* Look out for our video FAQs on our YouTube channel!
Polite reminder: Questions should relate to Veganism. We’re brilliant, of course, but regret that we’re unable to answer questions related either to Eastenders, quantum physics or your love life. #justsaying
Either scroll down or click on a subject to jump to the FAQ!

Food & Drinks
Isn’t Vegan food very bland and boring though?
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We think you’ll be surprised at just how good Vegans have it because there’s a common misperception about what little we have to eat. Our website is packed
with delicious meal ideas (many based on non-Vegan favourites) from gooey chocolate fudge brownies to hearty Sunday roasts. It’s also a fact that when you
don’t rely on meat, fish and dairy as main ingredients, that you tend to get more creative and Vegan food is therefore often more colourful, flavourful,
delicious and nutritious! If it’s plant-based, we eat it – and Vegans have found creative ways that don’t use any animal based ingredients at all; it’s
very exciting!
Isn’t it impossible to be Vegan if you can’t or don’t want to cook?
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Please don’t worry, there are many Vegans in this situation! Luckily, for whatever it is that you’re eating at the moment there is usually a Vegan
equivalent that doesn’t require any additional effort and we can help you to source these foods. But also we’re really clever at devising meals that just
require either a bit of assembly or minimal actual cooking – because the access we have to wonderful food ingredients now is just so good. Many of the
products that Vegans use are also just as convenient, (but tend to be healthier) so nothing need change and you don’t need to become a masterchef to be
Fruits and vegetables are often more expensive than other foods; doesn’t this make Veganism more costly?
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This is a common misperception and in reality a Vegan diet can actually be far cheaper than a non-Vegan diet as, particularly in recent years, the cost of
meat, fish and dairy products has soared. Prices on ready-made plant-based replacement products compare very well with meat equivalents. If you’re buying
ingredients such as legumes, pulses and grains these can be absolutely great value and they’re also highly nutritious and filling. The cost of organic
fresh produce has also reduced and it’s worth checking prices per kg at your local supermarket as you’ll find many are now more or less the same as prices
for non-organic. Veg box schemes, local greengrocers and farmers markets are also where the bargains are to be found – particularly when you buy in bulk or
at the end of the day. In a short survey we did we found that on average, once people got the hang of shopping Vegan style, their food bills decreased by
as much as a third! This is a massive saving of approx £40 per week for a family of three people. If budget is an issue for you, then the only thing to
watch out for is the overwhelming desire to try all of the delicious looking new Vegan products that you come across! We’ll regularly be featuring
budget-savvy tips across our social media channels, in our Member’s magazine V-Zine and on this site in the future – so please stay tuned
for more help.
Eating is such a pleasurable activity; why should people be denied of something they enjoy?
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We couldn’t agree more that it’s pleasurable! And it’s a common belief that Veganism involves deprivation and dietary restriction – when the opposite is
true! The vast majority of Vegans are fanatical foodies! You can still enjoy pretty much all of your old favourite meals – and we have a website packed
full of suggestions and recipes to prove it! You can even learn to bake without the need for dairy and eggs and you will never even be aware that you’re
eating something Vegan – it’s truly a revelation to most people. What we’ve also found is that the standard non-Vegan diet is actually far more limited,
because people tend to cook around meat or fish as a main ingredient, adding just a couple of vegetables on the side – but when plant based foods are the
main attraction, you start to get really creative. There’s no end to the permutations and flavour sensations you can come up with in Vegan cuisine. Modern
Vegan food is delicious, it’s completely liberating and can totally revitalise the way you see food ingredients and cook with them.
But meat and fish etc tastes good; how can Vegans get over missing those flavours?
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There are clever scientists all round the world who have managed to pretty much replicate most meat-based foods and incorporate them into innovative Vegan
alternatives! Some of the food products are now so good that if someone didn’t tell you that you were eating them you would never question it. So there
really is no need to miss out on these flavours. However, that said, most people don’t realise that the flavour in many meat based dishes comes, not from
the meat itself, but from what’s added to it – think marinades, rubs and sauces for example… and the vast majority of these are plant based! Herbs, spices,
seasonings and hundreds of vegetables are all Vegan and processes such as smoking (to give very distinctive flavours) are Vegan too and can be applied to
Vegan products just as they can to meat. So with a little know-how you’ll miss nothing and instead discover even more delicious ways to enjoy your food.
We’re proving all the time that it simply is unnecessary to kill and consume animals.

Why is it not OK to use/wear leather etc when it’s just a by-product of the meat industry?
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It’s a little known fact that the leather industry can be an industry in its own right (particularly in India) where animals are bred specifically for
their skin and endure unbelievable cruelty, harsh conditions and an agonizing death. Even if it can be seen as a by-product this is still no justification
for wearing it, as it’s supporting an industry that profits from the misery of sentient beings, treating them as mere commodities. But this is made all the
more horrific when you know that we don’t need leather – it’s a completely unnecessary product that can be replaced by all manner of other fabrics cleverly
made to replicate it’s properties and appearance when needed. Humans can be very inventive. Knowing this means we have a fantastic opportunity to remove
ourselves from funding an industry that causes great misery. You can find out more about how animal skins are produced and learn about all of the simple
alternatives here.

Isn’t it difficult to continue with a social life though, for example eating out with friends who are non-Vegan?
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It used to be the case that it was tricky for Vegans to eat out, but it’s improved massively over recent years and we’re campaigning for further
improvements all the time! There are more Vegan eateries in the UK than ever before. You’ll also find that other places offer veggie options, many of which
are accidentally Vegan or can be tweaked very simply into a Vegan dish. It’s also worth knowing that some cuisines or restaurants lend themselves better to
Vegan eating and they can be a priority to head for when you go out. When non-Vegans see that it’s not an issue, everyone relaxes and can enjoy having a
good time – just as you always did. We love a night out as much as you do – check the banner on our home page – this is a genuine shot of some of the team
having food and drinks at a Vegan-friendly bar in Exeter! We also have a helpful page on our website here. Exciting news! Launching 2015 our Vegan and Veggie cafes and restaurants directory!
Isn’t a Vegan lifestyle a lot of hard work and very time consuming?
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Any lifestyle change takes a little research, work and practice – which is why we’ve taken the hard work out of it for you! Think of us as your personal Vegan lifestyle-gurus and don’t worry about the need to do everything overnight. With good research and planning you can of course – but for most people making changes over time is easier. Certainly it’s the case that with products etc you can finish those you have now, so as not to waste them, then replace with Vegan versions when you next need to. This spreads out the work load and gives you time to research. You’ll find lots of help throughout our website. The great news is that you can find nearly everything you might need in a regular supermarket – we do, all the time, and it’s improving. Take a look at our shopping advice. The same goes for eating out when you’re Vegan – many chains you’ll know have Vegan options and veggie options that can be ‘Veganised’. Veganism is on the rise all over the world and so companies are having to catch up and adapt. We all found it a fun adventure to live this different way, and of course knowing that you’ve extracted yourself from industries that do great harm is motivation in itself to want to make this wonderful change. It isn’t hard work at all.
Isn’t it really difficult to travel when you’re Vegan though?
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Travelling when Vegan may require a little more planning in some cases, but it’s getting easier all the time. You can take your own personal products with
you so there’s no need to worry about these, which just leaves food, and sites such as happycow.net are fantastic. You’ll also find that larger
hotels cater well, as many nationalities require Vegan diets for reasons of religion as well. Some countries/cities are an absolute joy to travel in,
Berlin for example is incredibly Vegan friendly as is Glasgow. Also Asian cuisines are easy to eat Vegan in. We’ve written a page for this site –
especially to help (coming 2015) and we’re also building a directory of places to stay. Whatever your experiences, please share them with us and we can
also use these to help other people as well. But please, pack your bags and enjoy! Bon voyage!

Health and Nutrition
Where do Vegans get protein from if they don’t eat meat?
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This is a good question because due to clever marketing ploys and blinkered education methods we’re all brought up to believe meat, fish dairy and eggs are
the only source of protein – when in fact it’s present in most foods and in particularly high amounts in foods such as pulses and quinoa. You might also
find it interesting to know that humans don’t need as much protein as we’re led to believe either and that too much can have a detrimental effect on our
health. Also in the process of producing meat more quickly and cheaply, animals are now reared intensively and when tested contain at least a 1/3 less
protein than they used to and far higher volumes of fat, which is incredibly unhealthy. So we should break free of this mentality and find our proteins
elsewhere – we made a great infographic for you and of course we’ve got some fab recipes using those ingredients too!
Isn’t a Vegan diet deficient in several nutrients, particularly Vitamin B12?
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A varied and balanced Vegan diet doesn’t lack any nutrients. Interestingly, modern animal farming processes now mean that animals have to be supplemented
with vitamin B12, so people who eat meat are getting it second hand! In addition, soil is now so depleted of B12 and vegetables are so sanitized that many
non-Vegans need B12 supplements too and it’s medically recommended that anyone over 50 now takes a vitamin B12 supplement. So the advice really is no
different for Vegans and we have many foods that have been fortified with Vitamin B12 such as margarines, plant milks, cereals and marmite. We can also
take supplements that are produced without animal processing. Anecdoal research suggests when people go Vegan they tend to take more of an interest in
their nutrition and consequently their medical stats on things like iron and B12 tend to improve! We’ve produced a handy infographic on B12 and will
be adding to our nutrition page constantly.
If people don’t consume milk and dairy products for the calcium – won’t they then be more prone to osteoporosis (brittle bone disease)?
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One of the greatest myths of our time is that we need dairy products for calcium intake and strong bones. However, when we look at dairy consumption and
the incidence of osteoporosis across the world, the higher the consumption the higher the incidence. The graph, country by country, correlates exactly. Yet
in countries such as China where consumption is still relatively low, there is hardly any osteoporosis at all. There is evidence to suggest that consuming
large amounts of dairy can have the reverse effect to what we are taught to believe – actually leaching calcium from the bones and causing this
terrible condition. It is hard to prove as the dairy industry is fighting to quash this evidence. But what is also interesting is that Vegans who eat a
varied and balanced diet containing lots of good calcium sources such as leafy green veg (and also vitamin K) do very well and do not suffer with this
disease – proving that a plant-based diet is very suitable for the human body. It’s interesting to note that cow’s milk actually has to be fortified with
calcium as it is destroyed in the pasteurisation process – so arguably it’s better for us to get this nutrient from plant based sources anyway, which are
far healthier and contain no cholesterol and none of the other ‘nasties’ in dairy such as titanium dioxide (added to whiten), growth hormones (natural to
grow on a calf as well as artificial to enhance milk production) and pus (as a result of the common condition of mastitis in dairy cows). Cow’s milk isn’t
meant for humans, it’s meant for cows and we are the only species on the planet to steal another species’ milk.
Is a Vegan diet really suitable and healthy for babies and children?
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In a word, yes! Humans are perfectly adapted to live fully as herbivores. Whilst we clearly can live as carnivores, humans are in fact herbivorous. Babies
are successfully born to Vegan parents and raised Vegan all the time. They are healthy weights and mothers typically have easier pregnancies and produce an
abundance of milk. Vegan babies are often happier, calmer and sleep more soundly too. As it’s such an emotive issue and such an important one, we’re
putting together as much info on this as we can to help people and to demonstrate that it’s the healthiest way to raise a child. We’ll also be featuring a
different case study of a Vegan family each month in our Member’s magazine V-Zine, all of whom have raised happy healthy Vegan children! One of the
biggest health concerns of our time is the harm that we may have done in typically feeding children the milk of another species – i.e. that of a cow,
that’s designed for a calf, not a human. We’ll be keeping a track on the research developments into this. Did you notice the baby on our home page
lifestyle shot? Little baby Edie was born and raised Vegan and she’s thriving! Read about her in the V-baby diaries in our member’s magazine 2015!
Is there a risk of developing an eating disorder when someone becomes Vegan?
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If a person has a tendency towards addictive or obsessive behaviours or a mental health issue that may affect their view on something such as food, then
any dietary choice can pose an issue – and so Veganism would probably be no different in this regard. In the early stages of following a Vegan diet it
involves a certain amount of learning about food and this learning can mean activities such as label reading. For some it’s a fun adventure and it’s
interesting to learn about. For a very small proportion of people it can become an obsessive activity – particularly if they have great concern over not
wanting to break their strong Vegan ethics. We always encourage people to take a relaxed approach and by using our recommended products and advice it can
save them a lot of the research and give them confidence in their choices. This leads to a more positive and less worrying experience. We would encourage
anyone who finds that it’s becoming an issue to seek some professional help straight away.
Is it true that Veganism can have negative effects on muscle and brain function?
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It isn’t a Vegan diet that can have a negative effect on these things – but a poor diet in general. As with any way of eating it’s vital to eat a range of
foods to ensure optimum nutrition but it’s entirely possible to acquire all that the humans body needs on a plant-based Vegan diet. There’s evidence to
suggest that a varied well balanced plant-based diet is actually better for muscle and brain function and it’s certainly a life saver in terms of reducing
risk for most killer diseases of the West such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, stroke and alzheimers, for example. Many people report that
when they switch to a Vegan diet they feel fitter, lose excess body fat and also have greater mental clarity. It’s worth looking up some Vegan athletes or
Vegan fitness sites to see just how well plant-based eating can build muscle – you might be surprised!
Will I gain weight if I become Vegan?
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Our experience and studies show that most people tend to lose excess weight on a Vegan diet. This is because they are filling up on lower calorie
foods such as vegetables and grains. Many people we’ve spoken to (including our own Founding Director) found that a Vegan diet was the best way of eating
they’ve ever found for their bodies. It can help people to lose weight slowly and gently whilst continuing to enjoy hearty portions of delicious food –
there’s no deprivation and no calorie counting so it can be the best weight-loss diet ever! That said, there are many Vegan junk foods out there – so
moderation of these is key, as it is with non Vegan diets too, you could live on chips and cakes and this might mean a weight gain! So it’s important to do
a little research beforehand.
Isn’t it healthier to eat animals, which are a natural food stuff – rather than processed Vegan foods, even if they are plant-based?
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Sadly these days an end product containing animal derived ingredients may be far from ‘natural’. It’s often the case that meat is found to contain high
levels of antibiotics and other drug residues as well as chemicals, fillers and water (added to increase weight). Non-Vegans currently eat processed foods
containing animal ingredients – this is just a fact. We’re not persuading people to eat artificially produced foods we’re simply highlighting the
alternative which is to replace an animal food with a non-animal Vegan food. Interestingly, when compared though, the Vegan alternatives are far healthier.
Vegan food manufacturers strive to use more whole, natural and organic ingredients and of course removing the animal component removes the saturated fat
and cholesterol. You will also find that Vegan products have more creative seasoning used and contain less salt. The bigger debate of course is on whether
animals are indeed a food stuff for humans at all. We have made them so, but human anatomy and digestion is far better suited to a herbivorous diet and
high consumption of animal products is the cause of most major illnesses in the ‘developed’ world.

Animals don’t understand or feel pain like we do though, do they?
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Any animal that has a central nervous system feels pain in the exact same way that humans do. Science also proves that they also understand the concept of
pain and this is why, like us, they seek to avoid it. If we truly feel that they don’t, then why have humans found it necessary to develop what we call
‘humane’ ways to kill them and why do we even have animal welfare laws?
Animals are killed humanely though as they are stunned, so they feel no pain and surely this is therefore OK?
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The original definition of humane is: ‘Having or showing compassion or benevolence’. Using this word next to killing is, in our opinion, an oxymoron.
Because how can you kill kindly? Does a murderer showing compassion make his/her deed any less terrible or morally acceptable? It simply isn’t possible. In
terms of the stunning of animals there are several distressing facts to note – many are not stunned, as for religious reasons they are not stunned prior to
slaughter. Many are not stunned as slaughter house production lines are so high volume that many are incompletely stunned prior to slaughter. It’s also the
case that animals queue up to be stunned and can see the animal in front of them being stunned and killed. The fear and terror this induces could hardly be
considered humane. Humane slaughter is a myth perpetuated by an industry that does not wish its customers to see the brutal reality of what happens in
order for them to have a food that they don’t really need.
If everyone became Vegan then wouldn’t there be millions of farmed animals left? What would happen to them?
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We take a pragmatic response to this hypothetical question: The entire population of the world is never likely to become Vegan overnight. With a gradual
reduction in demand for meat, fish, dairy and eggs, fewer animals would be bred and those existing would be consumed very quickly. For example, chickens
are force reared for slaughter in just 6 weeks. So if farming of them stopped, in 6 weeks, maximum, there would be none left on the planet. Any that did
remain could always be rescued to live out their lives in peace at animal sanctuaries.
Cows and goats produce milk naturally and chickens lay eggs – why not eat / drink these naturally produced products?
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Whilst milk and eggs are produced naturally by these animals – they are the products of another species, meant for that species and not for humans. An egg
is obviously an unfertilized embryo so is designed for procreation – you could even view it as a hen ‘period’! Cow’s or goat’s milk is designed for a
calf/kid to be fed with. Humans are the only species on the planet to consume the milk of another species and when you actually stop to think about it,
this is incredibly strange behavior. It’s the reason why an estimated 70% of people are lactose intolerant to some degree – humans are not designed to
consume these milks. In countries where little cow’s milk is consumed you will find quite a different health profile too – for example less obesity,
diabetes, inflammatory conditions and osteoporosis. Animal milks are linked with many health problems for humans and most find that when they stop
consuming them the health benefits are immense. So it is a natural product for cows yes, humans no.
As for eggs – chickens have been bred to produce eggs at a rate of one a day (sometimes even less – 1 per 22 hour cycle) this is completely unnatural (in
the wild they would lay a clutch of about 8-12 eggs to have offspring). This is why they have short lives of just 14 months, as their bodies cannot cope
with this excessive demand. They are essentially turned into ‘egg machines’ and there is nothing natural about this.
Shearing sheep in the summer seems to keep them cool – wouldn’t they overheat and die if we didn’t shear them (so wool is a merciful by-product)?
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Sheep have been specially bred over decades to have unnaturally thick wool coats – hence yes, it can seem like they need and want to be sheared in the
summer and it’s hardly surprising. In the wild and without interaction from humans, they grow the fleece they need and self regulate their temperature in
varying climates very successfully. So wool is not a natural by-product. It’s also the case that the wool industry involves incredible cruelty that people
do not realise exists. Sheep routinely undergo what is called mulesing – where wool and flesh are cut away from their backsides to prevent fly larvae
infestations. This is done without anesthetic and leaves the sheep with agonising open wounds. Many sheep are also badly mutilated in the shearing process
as a result of shearers being paid low piece-work rates. Undercover video footage has revealed that sheep are routinely punched kicked and sometimes even
killed or left to die in the shearing sheds. You can learn more about this on in our Products section on the clothing page.
But surely animals that are organic, free range or reared under schemes such as the Red Tractor logo or Freedom Foods are having a good life, aren’t
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We’re sorry to shatter the illusion that these spurious ‘accreditations’ give consumers, but they are in no way a guarantee of any animal having a ‘good’
life. Organic is simply a term that denotes the feed they are given – they can still be reared in terrible conditions with little freedom. Free range is
also misleading as hens, for example, can still be incredibly crowded into barns – which although they have access to outside from, volumes are so high
some never make it out. These birds are also in such huge flocks that they cannot establish hierarchies and act out their natural instincts. Male chicks
are still killed. Red Tractor is simply a minimum standard that we work to on farms in this country. If you wish to see how this translates into a good
life we strongly recommend that you watch some online videos on the industry – filmed by organisations who wish to show consumers the truth. There’s
nothing good about it, we assure you. These labels are constantly used to delude consumers into a false sense of acceptance that it’s ok to use and consume
animals. Products are cleverly packaged, sanitised and labeled so that you never have to deal with the horrific reality that is animal farming. We
understand that many people want to make what they believe are the most ethical choices – and this is wonderful – people really do care. But the ultimate
ethical choice involves no harm whatsoever to any living thing and when it’s easy to live this way, why wouldn’t you? We strongly recommend that you try

Eating or using animals can’t be affecting the environment though, can it?
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It’s being increasingly publicized that the cattle industry causes worse emissions and contribution to climate change than the entire transport industry.
This is a staggering statistic – but exactly the reason why there is currently much debate about the fact that humans should be eating less meat. Raising 1
calorie of beef takes 50 times the resources to raise 1 calorie of wheat. This is a crazy and unsustainable drain on the world’s increasingly scarce
resources. It’s also estimated that if all crops currently grown to feed animals were used to feed humans directly, there would be no famine and indeed
enough to feed the world population adequately. Other environmental issues include dessertification of land, where cattle have overgrazed, and also toxins
from slurry run off and pools of excrement that simply can’t be handled, now going into natural water supplies and contaminating them. Feeding animals
crops such as soya also requires the massive destruction of rainforest to create crop land and this continues to worsen climate change, whilst at the same
time causing irreversible loss of habitat and wildlife. Please make no mistake, the animal commodity industries are an environmental disaster. We recommend
that you watch the film: ‘Cowspiracy’ for the full facts.
But won’t humans eating more soya products mean even worse destruction of rainforests?
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No. The vast majority of these crops are currently used to feed animals, for meat to feed humans. It’s the least efficient method of farming possible. Far
fewer crops would be needed to feed humans directly, first hand. So this current destruction is terrible and worst of all, unnecessary. It’s estimated that
at the current rate of consumption the rain forest will be gone completely in just ten years time! Farming to provide plant based foods for humans
is the most efficient use of land possible and would prevent us from having to destroy the rainforests and all that is within them. It would save our

If everyone became Vegan what would happen to the farming industry and how would people make a living?
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Whenever farmers are interviewed a large proportion of them are dissatisfied with their work and the way the industry has gone – they are frequently heard
complaining very vocally. Sadly, the rate of suicide amongst farmers is twice that of the national average – it’s a very serious problem. So the system as
it stands at the moment is not good for them, they do not enjoy it and they say they are making less money than they need to survive (think of the recent
milk price wars with the supermarkets). So we know that a change would actually be beneficial for them. All that would be required would be a
diversification, over time, into farming in a different way i.e. growing crops instead. And where land is not entirely suitable there are methods of crop
growing such as vertical farms and hydroponics that can be used. A need for food and farmers to grow it would still be there – just for a different type of
food and one that would also make them happier. One thought to note is that really no-one should be forced into a job where they have to raise living
beings and send them to slaughter. Many farmers say they find these ultimate days very difficult to deal with and extremely upsetting. We believe they
could have better lives and would work with them to achieve that.

Isn’t Veganism just for ‘hippy do-gooders’?
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It’s a shame hippies are seen in a negative way, when actually their philosophy of love and peace is badly needed in this world today! We don’t appreciate
this negative terminology. Indeed you can even see from our team just how diverse a lot we are. People of all ages, professions and backgrounds are
starting to realise that they no longer want to contribute to and be part of the damaging industries that are inflicting unnecessary suffering. People are
also wanting to take control of their own health and are finding that a Vegan diet is the cure for so many of their ailments. As we increasingly read of
the way in which climate change could be mitigated if we consumed fewer animal products, its dawning on a lot of people that their lifestyles need to
change if we want a safe and fair world that will feed and support a growing human population. If this is “do-gooding” then we want to be part of it,
because it’s literally saving lives, our home planet and securing our future as a species.
Are there any scientifically valid reasons for completely eliminating animal foods from your diet?
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In short, yes! There are two major issues to note with this – the benefits to human health and the benefits to the environment. Research consistently shows
that the consumption of animal products is implicated in all manner of serious and fatal diseases – including heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer.
Studies of groups of Vegans such as some of the 7th Day Adventists, or groups in other countries such as China, show considerably better health
for living on Vegan diets. They do not suffer from these diseases which are typically associated with the West where our consumption is so high. Think of
the advice on heart disease for example – it all focuses on reducing meat and dairy intake!
What’s your position on zoos?
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To be very clear – zoos are simply businesses that make profit from the exploitation of animals. Many market themselves under the guise of doing species
protection work, but sadly this detracts from the real issue of the fact that animal habitat should not be being destroyed in the first place. If we
focused on this bigger issue this would be far better. The nature of their cruel business has been demonstrated very clearly over the last year in some
high profile ways – for example the killing of a baby Giraffe in a Denmark zoo that was ‘surplus to requirements’ and then chopped up infront of a group of
children and fed to the zoo’s lions. This sparked international outrage and rightly so – because it proved that the animals are just seen and used as mere
commodities. Animals are put under considerable stress all of the time in intensive artificial breeding programmes so that zoos can swap commodities to
earn themselves more visitors and more money. And let’s not forget, many animals have been taken out of their natural habitats and forced to live their
lives in entirely unnatural conditions. The recent case of Arturo the polar bear kept in an Argentinian zoo in temperatures of over 40C highlights this
perfectly. It’s also never publicised that animals are often subject to ‘procedures’ such as pinioning (extreme wing clipping to prevent birds flying away)
or de-clawing (of large cats etc). Nothing about zoos is entertaining – least of all for the animals. We will never support them and we highly
recommend that you boycott them and make your views known as to why.
What’s your position on keeping pets?
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We totally understand that fact that humans do enjoy interacting with animals and the desire for some people to keep them as pets. However, this desire has
been exploited by unscrupulous people to the point at which animals are being bred artificially simply for this purpose, with many being raised in
absolutely horrific conditions. This perpetuates the concept that animals are mere commodities for humans to use however they wish and to also make profit
from. We will never support this and will continue to campaign against this. What we do support is the rescuing of the millions of unwanted and
abandoned animals out there resulting from such cruel industries and the fact that many people buy them as pets and then change their minds and no longer
want them. These are the only animals that we should be bringing into our lives – to care for, love and give good homes and good lives to. Look out for
#adoptdontshop campaigns online. The cruel pet-breeding industry needs to be driven out of business.

Personal Objections
I’m just one person; me being Vegan isn’t going to make any difference, so what’s the point?
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If we all feel this way, then you’re right – nothing changes. However, individual actions by lots of people do add up to make a difference. Look at the
effects that can be achieved when large amounts of people campaign on issues that end up changing our world? It CAN be done. Together we are much stronger
and certainly when looking at the issue of changing the habits of big businesses – they may not listen to your voice but they will listen to where you
spend your hard earned £. We can all make simple choices, all the time, that do have an impact and when we show and tell others and they do the same, it
snowballs until change happens. You might also like to know that when you go Vegan you can typically save the lives of 365 animals in just one year.
That’s a truly incredible number, and if that isn’t making a significant difference, then we don’t know what is.
I don’t eat much meat so I’m already doing enough, aren’t I?
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That’s good to know and yes every reduction in eating meat helps. Obviously it reduces animal deaths and suffering, but it also has an impact on helping to
mitigate climate change and worsening environmental disasters that are happening as a result of animal farming. Reducing the meat we eat will also help to
make our future more sustainable on this planet as it’s actually the least efficient food production system possible. The scary thing is that while
reducing consumption is a starting point, we’re at a tipping point now where this may be too little too late and more effort is needed if we are to address
the very serious world issues that we as a species are facing. We’d also recommend that you consider the health implications, as we know from science and
from our personal experiences, just how much better humans fair on a Vegan diet. It’s something worth thinking about and we’d encourage you to read the
rest of our site and please ask us any further questions you might have. Living a full Vegan lifestyle is easier than you think.
I can’t afford the cost of being Vegan, even if I wanted to be, can I?
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There’s a common misperception that being Vegan is more expensive, but this simply isn’t true. In fact a recent short survey we did revealed that people
spend an average of a third less on their food bills when Vegan. The costs of meat products have risen greatly in recent times. Also from a products point
of view, many products you’re using currently may already be Vegan – so no change is required there and you can always find cruelty-free alternatives at
the same, or even at better prices. The same goes for clothing and indeed many clever man-made fabrics these days are far cheaper than animal based
alternatives such as leather, wool and cashmere, for example. The variety of goods that Vegans have access to now is phenomenal and cost can no longer be
an excuse for not giving the lifestyle a try. Let us help you!
It seems complicated and I don’t have time to be Vegan, do I?!
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And humans, as a species, may not have time if we don’t try to address the way we’re all living – because it simply isn’t sustainable! We understand that
any lifestyle change can be daunting – which is exactly why we’ve built a website that will provide you with the ultimate resource to make living a Vegan
lifestyle as EASY as possible – saving you time, money and hassle. There’s a common belief that the food is complicated but this needn’t be the case – in
fact it’ll take you the same amount of time as now – maybe even less once you know how (with our help). Yes, a little bit of research might be involved,
but we all have moments of downtime in our days, when commuting, for example, when we can take just 5 minutes to learn something new. We know that this is
a lifestyle that helps people to live better lives and if it isn’t worth taking just a tiny bit of time for then you’ll be missing out.
It’s everyone’s own choice what they eat isn’t it?
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We totally understand the concept of freedom of choice. However, we would ask you then to extend that freedom of choice to the animals who aren’t given
that option. If we wish to progress as a species we can only do so by working to achieve true equality and by giving value to every living being on our
planet. Evolution (and our very survival) is about change, not living with cultural norms. Human slavery was normal for a long time, but it didn’t mean
that we should continue to support it. We recognised that it was morally wrong. Abusing and using any living being (including non-human animals) as mere
commodities (when we don’t need to) is morally wrong.
We’ve lived all our lives drinking milk, eating cheese, meat and fish and it’s done us no harm; why should we change now?
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Humans are all different and indeed there are people who smoke and drink all their lives and live to a ripe old age as well – yet we know that in general
people who do this die earlier and have poorer health. It’s also the case that the current generation of elderly people had healthier lifestyles when
younger – eating, for example, less meat and dairy (as it was more expensive and less available) and always eating their vegetables. They also ate a lot
fewer processed foods than we do these days. Whilst it can seem that animal based foods do us no harm, when we look closely at studies such as that for
incidence of osteoporosis, we find that those countries with the highest consumption of dairy have the highest prevalence of the disease and the same goes
for certain cancers. Age is not always an indicator of health and as medical science has progressed many people have poorer health but live longer because
of a raft of medications that they need to take in order to do so. Compared with groups of people such as the 7th Day Adventists (many of whom
are Vegan) those consuming animal products live 7 years less and have considerably poorer quality of health in their later lives.
I’m too old to change now and it’s none of your business what I do, is it?!
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Change is possible at any age! We invite you to look at our team – many of us are beyond middle age! It’s partly our business because we care about
your health and also of course we care about other life on this planet and indeed its very future. You may not care about yourself, but if you have
children or grandchildren and care about what they are inheriting, we think it’s important that you know the facts about what’s going on in your world.
Currently you’re told what to do and what to eat and how to live by companies who market to you every day, so that they can make a profit from you. We
simply wish to give you the other side of the information that they’re not so keen for you to know. Only then you can make a truly informed decision about
what you do.

Humans are the top of the food chain – so surely it’s natural for us to eat and use animals?
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Really? Are we at the top of the food chain? We wonder how you would feel about that if confronted with a shark or a lion? Humans have simply devised tools
and technical ways of killing more animals more effectively – that’s all. It in no way means we are meant to eat animals. Indeed animals run away – plants
do not – they are fixed there for us to collect. It’s much easier! Whilst other animals are clearly carnivores, and indeed humans are capable of eating
meat, when we look at the physiology of humans, we are in fact herbivorous. We do not have large canines to tear flesh (lions do), we have flat molars to
grind plant foods. Our jaws do not open in up/down plane only (as in carnivores) they grind from side to side and our digestive system is of the length
suitable for digesting plant based foods – not meats. This is why many people report feeling unwell and sluggish after high meat content meals. The
converse is true of eating plant based meals which give us energy and vitality.

The VLA Ethos
How can you help people to become Vegan when you are a brand new organisation?
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As an Association we may be new, but collectively our team has over 300 years experience of living a full Vegan lifestyle – some having been Vegan for 30
years, some for just a few months! But this great diversity gives us incredible perspectives of Veganism throughout three decades – enough to be able to
help and advise on any subject – because between us we’ve experienced it all! But we’re also extremely proactive in constantly searching for new
information – whether it be scientific health studies or the latest Vegan shoes. We aim to be as up to date as possible and will continue to share
everything we know to make full Vegan living as easy as possible for all of us. Remember that you can play a part in this too and if there’s something
we’ve missed or something that’s incorrect within our guidance, then please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Do you support meat reducers and vegetarians as well?
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The VLA welcomes, embraces, supports and will encourage anyone who is making any positive change to their lives! However, to be clear, we
will only ever actively promote full lifestyle Veganism, because we know how imperative it is and also how easy it can be! But we’re also
completely aware of and understand that while some prefer to change their lives overnight, for others it’s a longer process. Our very own Founder and
Director openly says that it took her about 5 years – so she totally understands and has been there.
It should! And that’s why all of the information needed to enjoy a full Vegan lifestyle can be accessed from our website and social media channels totally
free of charge! The Association Membership fee is nominal (as little as £7.50 p.a. in some cases) and is less than for most standard organisation fees in
the UK. However, Membership of the VLA comes with significant and exclusive benefits that offset any cost completely – effectively making this free as
well! These benefits include a professionally produced magazine every month (worth £3.95 a month) as well as discounts and special offers on thousands of
Vegan foods, products and services. We took the decision to create a fee-paying Members Association as a means to setting up a community, but also because
we wanted to remain independent and impartial of potential bias created through sponsorship deals and paid advertising etc. The fees are necessary if we
are to continue to maintain and develop this wonderful resource of Vegan info as well as campaigning on the issues that we know you all really care
passionately about. As we’re all volunteers we don’t have any staff to pay or expensive offices to rent, you have our guarantee that every penny
raised goes towards developing this resource and campaigning for a better world.
Shouldn’t you be more focused on just campaigning for animal rights?
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Animal rights is at the very heart of what we do. You’ll see it in our statement on why Veganism: ‘saving lives’ we have grouped humans into this to
denote the equality factor that we believe in and to simplify the message for a new generation of non-Vegans hearing about Veganism for the first time.
You’ll also see, throughout our site, references to the way in which animals are currently misused and abused as a driver towards the info we have on the
cruelty-free alternatives there are. We continually strive to highlight how unnecessary it is to use animals for any purpose. It’s one of our core
However, because Veganism as a lifestyle has multiple benefits, beyond preventing animal suffering and death, we do focus on these as well and all of our
research with non-Vegans demonstrated that different people come to an interest in Veganism for different reasons. Hence it’s important to work with and
highlight all of these benefits – not just those related to animal rights.
Our research also consistently showed that people are immediately put off reading any further when faced with graphic pictures and information of animal abuse – the vast majority of people simply cannot handle the truth of the horror. Because of this, we’ve chosen our wording and imagery very carefully.
We’re actually engaging with people in a variety of different ways and it’s proving to be very effective. We’ve found that once people see and understand
the benefits of Veganism they naturally tend towards a process of learning that does lead them to a place of far deeper understanding of animal rights
issues, but in a less aggressive way.
Why are you promoting non Vegan companies and services?
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The VLA is a nfp company and we do not receive any funding or revenue from either sponsorship or paid advertising. We’re entirely impartial and never
promote or favour certain companies over others. Anything that’s deemed to be promotion is instead about us helping people to live Vegan lifestyles – by
advising them as to which products are safe to use, foods that are ok to eat and restaurants that are (Vegan) friendly to visit. Our work is about saving
animals and helping people to live in a compassionate way. Yes, some companies may also produce non-Vegan goods and services. However, the more people who
use their Vegan products and services, the higher the demand and the greater the need to increase supply of them over non-Vegan alternatives. We connect
people to cruelty-free products and make companies aware of the need for a more ethical offering.
Why are you promoting unhealthy junk food and convenience foods?
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We’re simply advising on the availability of all Vegan foods as a means to enable people to become Vegan overnight if they wish to. Hence animal lives are
saved instantly. It’s simply a fact that people currently eat convenience foods containing meat, fish, dairy and eggs. This is what they’re used to and the
Vegan versions of these products allow people to continue enjoying what they like and are used to. When compared with their non-Vegan counterparts, Vegan
convenience foods are still actually far healthier as they are very low in cholesterol and often in additives such as salt too. Our aim is to help people
live a full Vegan lifestyle and to find that process easy. Once settled within the lifestyle we have then also found that people become
more interested in their food, want to learn more and gradually rely on convenience foods less, in favour of healthier home-made options. Our website also
offers a wide range of information on healthier living and hundreds of healthier recipes.
There will inevitably be some comparisons made between organisations. But you’ll find over the coming months and years that that VLA has quite a different
style and approach to all elements of this work. One of our core differences will be the way in which we proactively engage with the press/media on
relevant key issues. We also have a fresh perspective and a more contemporary approach to the promotion of Veganism as a full lifestyle. To discuss these
differences any further here might make us sound critical of others, so instead, it’s best to read our site, to follow our work and to have your say
about how we could be working. The VLA is very much an organisation that listens to its members and acts on feedback. In more technical terms our
structural set-up is different too. The VLA is a not-for-profit Ltd Company with a small Board and a large team of volunteers (all unpaid)
– funded by philanthropic donations and membership fees. To retain impartiality and integrity the VLA does not register trademarks or receive funds via
sponsorship and paid advertising etc.