Rare warty piglets like the ones that were killed.
Zoo whistleblower reveals ‘distressing’ incidents – including endangered pig eating his entire family
Rare animals have died or been lost in three “avoidable” incidents at Bristol Zoo in recent weeks, prompting a whistleblower to raise concerns about the renowned facility.
A worker, speaking anonymously to the Bristol Post, revealed that a male warty pig housed at the zoo ate his own critically endangered piglets after staff didn’t spot that his companion was pregnant.
They said that the deaths and escapes were “avoidable”.
This featured on the ITV website – read more here.
We’re devastated to learn about these latest zoo tragedies.
Yet again, they prove everything that’s wrong with zoos in the first place. Far from being sanctuaries of protection for wild animals (which zoos claim to be) they are businesses that profit from the capturing, and breeding, of wild animals that should, by rights, be protected in the wild.
We strongly urge everyone to boycott visiting zoos and supporting these cruel prisons #boycottzoos.
However, our thoughts and actions must not end there.
Zoos cleverly justify their business and existence by stating that they’re conserving rare species for generations to come and they get away with this claim because people can indeed see in the news day by day that species are becoming extinct.
It seems as though we need zoos doesn’t it?
But the real issue of course is the fact that we’re not affording these animals protection in the wild. Instead humans are devastating their natural habitats at an unprecedented rate. Often this devastation is the result of land being used to farm other animals or to grow crops to feed them or of course to grow other consumer crops.
The issue seems complex, yet it’s simple really because following a Vegan lifestyle is one of the greatest things that you can do to save land mass and valuable habitat.
If more people were Vegan we’d use less land and we could remove the perceived notion that we need to protect animal species in zoos and parks. We can blow this argument of theirs right out of the water.
What else can we do? We can also educate others on the truth of the matter. People genuinely don’t realise they are being sold a lie and if they don’t know, then they can’t do anything about it.
What we can do is to support and highlight the issues of animal use/abuse in general. Generating awareness is the best thing we can do to help open peoples’ minds and encourage them to take action as well.
CAPS is a great organisation that offers a lot more information than we can cover here.
You can find out more about the way in which animals are held captive for all kinds of spurious reasons and you can take the simple actions today of telling someone about this news item.
Get the conversations started.
The survival of species such as these little warty piglets, depends on it.