Raju having his wounds treated.
Raju, the crying elephant, decreed free by a court in India.
“Pooja Binepal, from Wildlife SOS UK, said: “The team were astounded to see tears roll down his face during the rescue. It was so incredibly emotional for all of us.
“Elephants are not only majestic, but they are highly intelligent animals, who have been proven to have feelings of grief, so we can only imagine what torture half a century has been like for him.”
This story was featured in the Independent. Read more here.
VLA response:
We’ve been moved so much by this story and we’re so glad that it had a happy ending. Sadly so many animals are enslaved like this all over the world and never make it to freedom. It’s so important to understand that we cannot, and should not, treat other living beings in this way. Even those in the more regulated zoos and circuses in the West live unnatural lives and suffer horribly from being away from their correct habitats. This isn’t entertainment for the 21st Century – these establishments are businesses – nothing else. They belong in the dark ages and it’s why you’ll find that, as far as possible, vegans always boycott ‘attractions’ that involve the use and captivity of animals.
It can be more difficult when abroad and some of the things can be extremely upsetting to see. Check out our helpful advice on how to avoid contributing to this cruelty.