Be a vegan movie-star!

vegan movie screen shot frm website

Great news!!!

This is your chance to be involved with the ultimate vegan ‘how to’ movie.
It’s the brainchild of the lovely vegan couple Eric and Amanda Day.

vegan movie eric and wendy day

Vegan is a feature-length documentary exploring the widespread rise of veganism in mainstream culture. The movie takes a fascinating, in-depth look at how everyday people follow a vegan lifestyle while interweaving renowned expert interviews and heartfelt community stories.

Vegan explores the lives and stories of everyday people in our communities who share a common thread – they’re all vegan. There are a number of great movies focusing on why to go vegan or featuring people new to veganism, but this movie spotlights how everyday vegans live their lives and how accessible the vegan lifestyle really is.

The movie is not only about the community, it is being created by the community!

You can find out more on their website here.
And share your story here.


Here at HQ we’ll be adding our real vegan voices – just as we do across social media. We’re real people living real vegan lives and all that it entails!

Let us know how you get on! We wish Eric and Wendy and the team every success with this special project and as we’re in touch with them we’ll keep you posted as to the progress of the film.